Navigate to the user menu (top right corner) and click on your profile picture. In the menu that opens, click ‘Profile’. In the Profile page, navigate to your profile picture block (to the left of the Courses block) and click on the gear icon at the top right corner. In the menu that appears, click on ‘Change password’. Type in your current password and the new password you’d like to switch to. Once done, click on ‘Save changes’. For security purposes, it is recommended that passwords be changed on a regular basis, such as every 3 months.
If you remember either your username or the email address linked to your account, the best way to address this is to reset your password. In the login page, simply click on the ‘Forgotten your username or password?’ link (located below the ‘Log in’ button). Enter your username or email address, then wait for the instructions to be sent to your email inbox. Follow the on-screen instructions to successfully reset your password.

In the event that you may have forgotten your username and email address, or if your login issue does not resolve with the above steps, please contact us at swidb@dswd.gov.ph for further investigation and assistance.
Navigate to the user menu (top right corner) and click on your profile picture. In the menu that opens, click ‘Log out’.


Navigate to the user menu (top right corner) and click on your profile picture. In the menu that opens, click ‘Profile’. In the Profile page, navigate to your profile picture block (to the left of the Courses block) and click on the gear icon at the top right corner. In the menu that appears, click on ‘Edit profile’. Make the changes on your profile fields, and once done, click on ‘Update profile’.


All courses available to you are displayed in the homepage. Simply click on the ‘Access’ button corresponding to the course you would like to access to enter the course and open the course page.
All courses available to you are displayed in the homepage. To look for a course, you may browse through the homepage, or use the ‘Search courses’ search bar (located near the top, just below the course categories) to search for keywords.
Expand the collapsible left sidebar by clicking on the hamburger icon located to the left of the DSWD logo (top left corner). Click on ‘My active courses’ to see the list of courses you are currently enrolled in.
You can see this in your profile. Navigate to the user menu (top right corner) and click on your profile picture. In the menu that opens, click ‘Profile’. Your list of enrolled courses will be displayed, together with your course completion status (in %).
Navigate to the user menu (top right corner) and click on your profile picture. In the menu that opens, click ‘Grades’.
From anywhere within the DSWD LMS, you can return to the homepage by simply clicking on the DSWD logo found in the top left corner of the screen.
The ‘Restricted’ tag on a course section/activity/resource means that you would need to complete certain prerequisite activities and meet the conditions before you can be given access to the restricted material. The prerequisite and conditions are also presented to you and can be found just below the ‘Restricted’ tag in this form: “Not available unless: The activity [name of activity] is [condition].” Once you have completed the activity and met the conditions, the system can now grant you access to the restricted material. In case of an error, you can try reloading the web browser to allow your activity completion data to update.
There are two ways an activity can be marked as complete: 1) manual marking, and 2) automatic marking.

Manual marking is indicated by a ‘Mark as done’ button just below the resource or activity title. When you see this, it means you must manually click on the ‘Mark as done’ button to signify that you have already completed the corresponding resource or activity.

Automatic marking, on the other hand, uses the previous ‘Mark as done’ button to show what needs to be done and whether it has already been completed. The button will automatically switch to ‘Done’ once the required action has been complied with.


Click on the bell icon located near the top right corner of the screen (near the user menu). In the notification window that opens, click on the gear icon at the top right corner to open your notification settings. You may fully disable all notifications by ticking the ‘Disable notifications’ option, or you may customize your notifications per item on the list for web, email, and mobile by toggling on the switch.
On your mobile phone, download the Moodle app (you can search for ‘Moodle’ in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store). On your web browser, navigate to your profile (User Menu > Profile) and click on the ‘Details’ tab. Scroll down to the ‘Mobile app’ block and scan the QR code using the Moodle app that you just downloaded on your mobile phone. Doing this will connect and synchronize your Moodle app, and you can now access your courses with DSWD from your phone via the Moodle mobile app. For offline learning, you can also download up to 2 courses at a time.
Yes, the LMS is accessible 24/7, as long as you have a strong internet connection. You can set a particular schedule for the courses that you are currently taking or opt to use it for real time learning if you are enrolled in the online courses.


We use the data that we collected from the users to understand their needs and provide a better service, particularly for the following reasons: course participation, learning and development needs, communication, personnel record, report generation, and any other purposes subject to compliance within the provisions of Rule V, Section 21 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012.
We may collect personal information (i.e., full name, age, gender), user activities (i.e., course progress, submission of requirements, grades/scores), user-generated content (i.e., username, email, photos and videos you uploaded to your personal LMS account), and other personal data such as those you voluntarily shared in the DSWD Learning Management System and disclosed upon contacting the DSWD LMS Technical Support for assistance. We also collect, use, and keep your feedback and suggestions made known to us using the forms and other means to improve our online learning platform.
The information we collect from your personal account in the DSWD Learning Management System is shared with the following parties: course instructors, system administrators, other course participants, third-party software, third-party contractor, or any government authority asking for your personal data in writing, provided that it does not fall under the exceptions to the right of access to information of Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016 or the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) or there is a court order/subpoena addressed to DSWD, to comply with the legal process.
We have established appropriate physical, technical, and organizational security measures in our platform to safeguard the data against any means of unlawful processing of information in the DSWD Learning Management System. Any person or entity who knowingly and unlawfully violated these data confidentiality and security measures shall be penalized depending on the degree of violation(s) as defined in the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012 and other existing laws.
The personal information you shared with us shall be retained in the DSWD Learning Management System for as long as necessary to the fulfillment of its purpose of why it was collected, or as needed to meet other requirements in relation to your employment in the Department of Social Welfare and Development.
Pursuant to the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, users of the DSWD Learning Management System are entitled to the following rights: the right to be informed, right to object, right to access, right to rectification, right to erasure or blocking, and right to damages.
It is the responsibility of the user to observe the basic practices of protecting the platform and the stored personal data in the system against unintended use; to keep his or her username and personal password private at all times; to input his or her information correctly and accurately in the DSWD Learning Management System; to be aware of uploading contents or documents as part of the course requirement in the program in which he or she is enrolled; to be careful in including any sensitive information about him or herself on content that he or she submit; to keep updated with the changes in our terms of service and privacy policy while having the right to withdraw participation in the course enrolled and future course offerings at any time; and to report to the DSWD any suspected data breach in his or her own account.
Should you have any concerns or clarifications regarding our data privacy policy, practices and measures, you may contact us through our email at swidb@dswd.gov.ph

Advance your continuing professional education and expand your knowledge on Social Welfare and Development through our specialized online courses. Owning your learning is possible anytime and anywhere with the DSWD Learning Management System.